Exclusive Partnership:


Owner-Operator independent drivers have exclusive

access to discounted rates. Sign up for free.

Use CLC to save time and money on hotels. Lowest hotel rates 9x out of 10! 

See why over 25,000 companies and 1.2 million travelers trust America’s workforce lodging leader

Control lodging costs

We negotiate hotel options based on your unique project needs, according to your exact policy

  • Up to 45,000 pre-negotiated & discounted hotels 
  • Prevent unauthorized charges
  • Travel policy adherence
  • Direct and indirect savings reporting
  • Assistance with bid estimates

Traveler support and safety

Many companies don’t have the resources or expertise to manage unpredictable lodging needs, especially when new or unexpected projects send a lot of employees to a job site.

  • 24/7/365 traveler and reservation support
  • Reduce credit card fraud
  • Duty of care - know where your travelers are staying

Simplified lodging management and insights

Finding places to stay can be time-consuming and difficult.

  • Booking on your terms - 4 ways to book
  • Consolidated, coded, audited invoicing
  • Activity, accrual, and improvement reporting
  • A centralized program that scales as you do

For the past 42 years, we've been helping companies achieve their lodging program goals

Construction workers

With CLC I spend 30 minutes to do what used to take me 10 hours.

Deanna Irby
WS Construction

$1.4 Billion



$420 Million

Savings for Our

Members Annually

17 Million

Annual Nights


Ready to improve your entire lodging program?

We deliver more than just great rates - speak to a solutions expert to learn how to improve your total lodging program with our award-winning solutions.

* Currently serving U.S. based companies only.


Request Information

Our programs can meet the needs of any company with 1 to 10,000 business travelers. Let us know how we can help.

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