Easy solutions for teams who travel


Trusted by 1.2M travelers - from
reservations to reporting, we can help.

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Talk to our Sales Team

See why over 1.2 million travelers trust CLC for the lowest hotel rates and unparalleled technology

Booking on your terms - 4 ways

Our user-friendly booking options make it easy to reserve a room on the road. Book customized hotel directories by desktop, mobile app, reservation team, or directly with the hotel - walk-ins welcome!

Lowest hotel rates - 9x out of 10

The proven savings leader - we offer the lowest rate 9 out of 10 times! Gain total program insights with comprehensive reporting to optimize your investment in travel. We've made it simple to analyze every transaction and spending trend.

Streamline to add hours back

Get coded, audited invoices to eliminate pre-payment hassles, unauthorized charges, and inaccurate rates. Find and review all invoices in one place for faster, more accurate reconciliation.

Improve traveler support & safety

Never miss a traveler’s call with our skilled 24/7/365 traveler support. Provide duty of care with Traveler Tracking, which makes it easy to search for travelers, view current reservations, and quickly know where your teams are in an emergency.

For the past 42 years, we've been helping companies achieve their lodging program goals

Construction workers

With CLC I spend 30 minutes to do what used to take me 10 hours.

Deanna Irby
WS Construction

$1.4 Billion



$420 Million

Savings for Our

Members Annually

17 Million

Annual Nights


Ready to improve your entire lodging program?

We deliver more than just great rates - speak to a solutions expert to learn how to improve your total lodging program with our award-winning solutions.

Or call 866.369.4755

Request Information

Our programs can meet the needs of any company with 1 to 10,000 business travelers. Let us know how we can help.

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