Corporate Housing

Now available for qualifying project-based programs staying 90+ nights. Let our corporate apartments team find the perfect housing for your longer stays. Our experts find corporate apartments the same way we find hotels: we research to find the best options, and ensure every detail aligns with your travel and lodging policies.

Move-in ready, fully furnished housing with activated utilities

Project-based and long-term stays ideal for travelers staying 90+ nights

Typically larger in terms of square footage

Extended-stay amenities featuring full-size kitchens and in-unit laundry

CLC Lodging travel mobile app, easy access to business travel solutions

Empower your teams

With the CheckINN Card and CLC Mobile App you can find and book hotel rooms in minutes, and get direct access to support.

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Comprehensive Reporting

Track, analyze and improve every aspect of your lodging with reports

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Full Service Lodging Management

A dedicated team to negotiate and manage project and long-term stays

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Travel Policy Compliance

Set parameters for your travelers and receive compliance reporting

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Hotel Search & Booking

The largest private membership network of hotel discounts

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$ 420 m
Saved by companies on lodging last year
$ 1.4 b
Leveraged in purchasing power
16.7 m
Room nights booked with us each year

Saving companies $420M a year. Join in.

Easy to join

No minimum usage fees

Lowest rate 9x out of 10

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Our programs can meet the needs of any company with 1 to 10,000 business travelers. Let us know how we can help.

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